Over 463m school children can’t access remote learning

According to a new report, United Nations says over 463 million school children worldwide lack access to remote learning, following school closures due to COVID-19.


This represents nearly a third of the world’s 1.5 billion school children affected by the closures, according to the report released by the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) on Thursday.


UNICEF said the situation was mainly due to lack of remote learning policies or lack of equipment needed for learning at home. The report highlights significant inequality in access to remote learning across regions, with school children in sub-Saharan Africa the most affected.

According to UNICEF, half of all students in sub-Sahara Africa cannot be reached with remote learning. It said the study examined the availability of home-based technology and tools needed for remote learning among pre-primary, primary, junior and senior secondary school children, with data from 100 countries.

Data included access to television, radio and internet, and the availability of curriculum delivered across these platforms during school closures, according to the agency.

“Students in rural areas consistently represent the vast majority of those who cannot be reached by any of the three remote learning modalities analysed.

“This is irrespective of the country’s level of economic development.

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