Opportunity! UNWG: Supporting Children’s Charities
This United Nations Women’s Guild project-based programme is organised for the sole purpose of benefitting children in need. The UNWG charity programme assists abused children, those having restricted access to education, children with serious health problems, children having no access to clean drinking water, victims of calamity or catastrophe, orphans, children with special needs or children suffering from extreme poverty or starvation in Austria and the developing world.
15 December 2017
Funding Information
-Maximum funding allowed is €10,000 or equivalent in US dollars.
-Funding of a specific part of a project may be approved.
-Funds may be used only for the project presented and approved.
– The Charity Review Committee must endorse any change in the utilisation of funds in advance.
-Project must focus on children in need (not older than 18 years or 21 if disabled) or on mother/child programs that affect the well-being of the children.
-The project must be for all children/mothers without discrimination of gender, race, ethnic origin or religion.
-Projects must be sustainable and have continuation plans.
-The project must address basic needs in health, education, water and shelter, focusing on long term assistance(e.g. Clean water supply, sanitation facilities, school construction or repair, classroom furniture, educational or vocational materials/equipment, medical equipment, special needs support).
-Incomplete applications, and those not falling within the UNWG criteria, will not be considered.
-Projects may be funded for two consecutive years only, or three years within a 10 year period.
-If applicants have received funds before and have failed to submit a final report, then your application will not be considered for funding.
Interested applicants must download the application form via given website.
For more information, visit UNWG Charity Programme.