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Democracy Day: Nnamdi Kanu lead counsel declares Igbos as major victims of democracy



Nnamdi Kanu Lawyer claims Igbos victims of democracy

The chief legal representative for Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Aloy Ejimakor, boldly declared on Wednesday that Igbos are the main victims of democracy.

Ejimakor expressed his opinions about democracy on social media site X, calling it a hollow system devoid of the essential tenets of equality before the law and free speech.

Asserting that “democracy is a farce without tolerance for free speech & equality of all before the law,” the constitutional lawyer highlighted free speech’s crucial role in democracy in his article.

Ejimakor did not mince words in his assessment, asserting that the Igbo people have borne the brunt of democratic deficiencies.

He pointed to the alleged misuse of legal processes to suppress individuals like Nnamdi Kanu as evidence of the systemic injustices faced by the Igbo community. Ejimakor challenged others to refute his claims, urging, “Prove me wrong.”

This statement comes in the wake of Ejimakor’s accusations against Yusuf Bichi, the Director General of the Department of State Services (DSS), and the Nigerian government for disregarding court orders regarding Kanu’s case.

Ejimakor specifically highlighted the failure of the DSS to grant Kanu access to his legal team in a secure and suitable environment, as directed by the court.

Nnamdi Kanu, currently held in a DSS facility in Abuja, raised concerns about the inadequacy of space to confer with his legal representatives in preparation for his defence.

Ejimakor’s notice to the court underscored the importance of upholding Kanu’s rights and ensuring fair treatment by legal standards.

As tensions continue to simmer around Kanu’s case and broader issues of democracy and human rights in Nigeria, Ejimakor’s vocal stance sheds light on the challenges faced by marginalized communities and the ongoing struggle for justice and equality within the democratic framework.

Lawrence is a dynamic digital journalist known for his expertise in creating SEO-focused content that drives business success. Alongside his journalism career, he also serves as an AI tutor, leveraging his knowledge to educate and empower others in the field. Lawrence graduated from Moshood Abiola Polytechnic with an HND in Mass Communication and has had his work referenced in Wikipedia and various online media outlets.
