Nick Cannon says Steve Harvey failed as a father because his daughter is dating 49-year-old Diddy

Speaking about the relationship between 49-year-old Sean Combs, better known as Diddy, and Lori Harvey, who is the daughter of Steve Harvey’s wife, Nick Cannon thinks Steve Harvey failed as a father.
Diddy has fathered numerous kids with different baby mamas Nick Cannon spoke to Vlad TV about the relationship between Lori Harvey and Diddy.
Cannon reacted to the relationship from the point of view of a father. He said he doesn’t have a problem with them dating, but he would be heartbroken if Lori Harvey was his daughter.
“To each his own, but I Would Feel Like I Failed as a Father,” he said.
Watch Nick’s interview with below. He talks about Lori and Diddy’s relationship at the 2:45 mark.