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National Geographic Society: RFPs for Uncovering Human Origins in Asia and Africa



Deadline: 3 January 2018

The National Geographic Society is accepting proposals for its “Uncovering Human Origins in Asia and Africa” to encourage more investigation of hominid evolution in Africa and Asia, with preference given to projects in relatively unexplored parts of those continents.

Preference will also be given to applicants who are residents or citizens of the country of fieldwork as well as to projects with strong local capacity development components.

Projects focused around education or storytelling should explicitly state the plan for evaluating the impact of the work.


Priority will be given to projects that aim to do one or more of the following:

  • Discover or explore new paleoanthropological fossil sites in Africa or Asia, particularly those in Central and West Africa and those in East, Southeast, South, and Central Asia
  • Increase understanding of the biological, cultural, or ecological parameters of human origins in Africa or Asia
  • Develop local capacity in human origins exploration in Africa or Asia

Funding Information

Applicants may request up to US $50,000, though grants are typically funded for less than US $30,000. Up to 20 percent of the requested amount can be used as stipends for the applicant or team members.

How to Apply

Applicants can apply via given website.

For more information, please visit Uncovering Human Origins in Asia and Africa.

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