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National Assembly activities shutdown as NLC, TUC strike unfolds



National Assembly activities shutdown as NLC, TUC strike unfolds

Activities in the National Assembly have been brought to a standstill following the commencement of an indefinite strike declared by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC).

By morning hours, the second gate to the complex was blocked by two 16-seater buses, while the annexe building’s entrance was also barricaded. Officials from both unions were present to enforce and oversee the strike.

Workers who were denied entrance congregated in clusters, discussing the situation.

Efforts to interview union officials were unsuccessful, as they cited a lack of authority to speak with the press. They directed journalists to contact the union presidents for inquiries.

This development follows unsuccessful attempts on Sunday by the NLC and TUC leadership to resolve the minimum wage impasse with the National Assembly leadership.

Lawrence is a dynamic digital journalist known for his expertise in creating SEO-focused content that drives business success. Alongside his journalism career, he also serves as an AI tutor, leveraging his knowledge to educate and empower others in the field. Lawrence graduated from Moshood Abiola Polytechnic with an HND in Mass Communication and has had his work referenced in Wikipedia and various online media outlets.
