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Marriage Tips: Facts You Need To Know Before You Get Married



– Facts you need to know before you get married
-Marriage Tips

Some people see marriage as a contract while some see it as sealing a deal that will last forever. Whichever way you see it, you need to know that there are important facts that should be at the tip of your finger before you finally tie the knot.

A wedding is just a day’s activity, marriage will last for as long as you want it to so long you and your partner are willing to work at it. Somebody once said marriage is a transition from boyfriend and girlfriend to husband and wife, this phase comes with a lot of challenges and new experiences, you can’t afford to go into marriage as an empty slate. These are some of the things you need to know.
Marriage is a choice

You may begin to wonder if the myth of “just one man for one woman” cou8ld ever be real. well, the last time I researched, marriage is a matter of choice and you have every right to chose who ever you want to be with. You only need to be careful of the ki9nd of choice you make and be sure to seek your parent’s rightful approval if need be.

If you are still in the school of thought that it must be a particular person, then you need to know that there are other better people out there that you deserve…If he or she does not treat you well before marriage, he may treat you worse after marriage, choose right.
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Who marriage is about

Marriage isn’t all about you alone, it’s about you and your spouse, you can’t afford to think of yourself alone all the time, you would also need to consider your partner. You also need to know that you won’t be making all the choices alone as it won’t affect just you but your partner inclusively.

You would need to adjust for your partner if you want the marriage to work. You need to learn to consider not just yourself but also your spouse and kids.
Married woman
Marriage does not take your person away

In case you are terrible and you know it, then, its time for you to change…Become a better you. Marriage does not change you really, it is who you are you take to your marriage. If you are the type that nag always, marriage will not make you stop it unless you work on becoming a new you, the earlier you do this, the better for you.
The first year could be hard

It’s fun preparing to get married but you need to know that you might spend the whole of your first year in marriage adjusting to the new phase. It is at this point you begin to better know whom you’ve married. you face certain challenges and become a stronger you, that’s if you don’t get tired or frustrated out of it.
Don’t ever think you can change your spouse

If you think you can change him/her in the marriage, then you need to change that notion and retrace your decision. The truth about this is that no one is perfect, but if you think you can manage a person and change them in the long run, then, your assumption is costly. Accept your partner as they are and if you think you can’t do that then, go for someone you think you can accept as they are. Be ready to accept whoever you want to spend the rest of your life with.

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