the ‘Too Many’ things that are holding you back in life

If you feel like you are running in place, consider taking a moment to pause and reflect on your life. What’s actually holding you back? Consider these factors.


  1. Too Many Projects

To say that you “have to have priorities” is an understatement. You have to “have a priority”. Side projects need to be filed away for another year.  You have responsibilities, which you should do as efficiently as possible, and you have your main project. Every other project or hobby is just a distraction obstructing the path to the thing you really want to do well.

  1. Too Many Distractions

Saying you need to have “fewer distractions” is too vague. Focusing in the moment is an important skillset. For instance, you may have a whole lot of work to do and two hours in the corner of a restaurant can do wonders. It’s unrealistic to expect to concentrate, uninterrupted, for eight hours straight. The goal is to have sprints of intense focus. Those are your magic hours where great things happen. The tricks to doing this are the things you probably already know you should do. First, you have to find that quiet place. Put your phone on ‘do not disturb’ mode and leave it in your pocket or bag unless you need it. Focusing is like going for a run, the hardest part is mentally forcing yourself to start it.

  1. Too Few Good Influences

The best type of progress is to first increase your value, then make a career step. Climbing the corporate ladder is nice but in the long-term, you want to be standing on a solid foundation. The best way to do that is to learn everyday and the best way to do that is to surround yourself with smart people. Smart people are amazing to be around. They lend incredible insight and share tools and tips that you are unlikely to find without them. If you are not learning from your colleagues, consider quitting.

  1. Too Few Routines for Success

Aristotle said “we are what we repeatedly do”. If you want to know yourself don’t look in the mirror, look at your habits. Achievement only comes from consistent, focused effort. Effort is a powerful thing however, effort alone has often been enough to build valuable things with almost no money. Your daily efforts are the most valuable resource in your possession. If you want to be knowledgeable, read more. If you want to be skilled, practice more. If you want to be noticed, market more. If you want a company, build more. Clear your life of distractions and concentrate more, and you will get better at it. Your subconscious self-image notices your behaviors.



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