What Makes A Great Friend

Friendship is one of the most important things in life. We all need friends. They are there for us when life gets tough. They encourage us, offer us constructive criticism and tell us when we are falling off track. To make sure that you associate yourself with great friends who have got your back, here are a few things to bear in mind to know how to choose your friends wisely.


  • Great Friends Encourage You

In a world of negativity, great friends are encouragers. They encourage you to chase your dreams and to make of life what you can. There is too much negativity in this world, and if a friend of yours is adding to that negativity, it means they are just not worth your time. A friend should not criticise and tell you that you are not good enough to do something. They should be your biggest cheerleaders, always pushing you on to achieve greatness.


  • They Are There During The Bad Times

A great friend is someone who is prepared to stick it out with you, through thick and thin. If you’ve got a friend who tells you to text them whenever you need them, and who pops round to check up on you, you need to treasure them. They are rare to come by.


  • Great Friends Accept That People Change

A true friend knows full well that people change. They accept that change is the essence of the life, and that you are doing whatever is right for you at this stage in your life. You are on your own journey and they are going to respect your decisions.


  • Great Friends Take An Interest In You

Great friends are not selfish. They take a genuine interest in you. They want to know what you have been up to. They listen to you, ask questions and don’t just burden you with their issues.


  • Great Friends Tell You The Truth

Sycophants might seem like a good thing at first. After all, they are telling us exactly what we want to hear but you see, when a friend teases and basically lies to you just to make you feel good, they are not really a true friend. True friends are those who tell you the truth. They want to help you improve. And they know that the best way to make sure you make less mistakes and get more things right is to tell you how things really are.


  • They Share Things With You

If a great friend came across some information that would really benefit you both, they are not going to keep it selfishly to themselves. They are going to share it with you, because they know how much value it will bring you, too.


  • Great Friends Don’t Hold Grudges

Nothing can destroy a friendship quite like a grudge. Some people find it hard to let go of a grudge. These tend to be mean-spirited, negative people who have their own issues going on. You did something to them once unintentionally and they would not ever let you forget it. Great friends don’t hold grudges. They forgive as soon as possible and move on.


  • They Are Happy For You

It’s hard to move on from friends. But sometimes, it has to be done if we are to live the life we have dreamed about. But while some friends try to hold you back and stop you from moving forward, true friends take pleasure in your successes. Being happy for us is what all great friends should be.

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