How to make today a Special one

It’s easy to let life race by without stopping to smell the roses, but why not treat each new dawn as an invitation to seize the day? Here are a few simple tips to remind you that you need to bring abundance, connection, and even a little bit of ‘crazy’ into your everyday.
- Use the best things at the dinning table.
Setting the table and eating together as a family is all the more special when you use the good china. If you’re not in the habit of eating together at the table, just try it. It’s an easy way to make every day feel special. Light candles, and use placemats or tablecloths you love.
- Play around with your favourite colour
Why not surround yourself with your favorite color? The more you love it, the more you should see it around your home. Make sure it is a colour that brings you joy. Give yourself permission to unleash your creativity at home. It’s likely to make every day feel a little lighter.
- Indulge your senses
Take your time, take a deep breath to smell the flowers. Spray some freshener around your home to leave it smelling nice all day.
- Slow down and tune in
Whether you live with housemates, children or just your spouse, take the time to tune in and connect every single day. Connecting is a little like smiling at strangers, it can brighten someone’s whole day.
- Celebrate your children
Make them feel special by framing their masterpieces and pictures and turning your living room into an art gallery. Their art reflects their age, thoughts and feelings, and that is awesome to keep for memories sake.
- Make tomorrow today
It’s the things we do every day that make us who we are, not the things we plan to do, or the things we do once in a while. Are you fit and healthy? Make today the day that you live who you really want to be.
- Start your day with music
Get your mornings off to a lively start with your favourite, energetic tunes. If they are the kind of songs you can sing along to, even better. Put together a morning playlist and it will be extra easy to start your day off singing.