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How to make it count when tempted to give up on your goals



Most of us start each year or month with good intentions. We have a list of things are going to start or stop doing and at some point, we start to go back to old patterns and behaviors. We are effectively cheating ourselves and switching off because it’s too hard to keep showing up.

See steps on how to break this cycle.

  1. Set more manageable intentions.

You might need to choose a small goal that is aligned with that rather than something so big it feels too hard to do. The length of time might be small so it feels achievable.

  1. Review regularly and gently.

Check in every week and reflect on how it is going with your intentions. Celebrate the times you committed to them and see how you can increase the number of times. Look for how you can improve as well if need be.

  1. Become a cheerleader.

Supporting other people with their intentions and goals brings you more focus. Every time like minded people check in with you to tell you about how they are doing with their intentions, you should cheer them on, it’s a gentle and kind reminder that you also have my own to progress and share with them.

  1. Have a plan for when things go wrong.

One of the main reasons we give up on things is that we do not have a plan for when things go wrong. Sometimes things happen that you are not prepared for and you act out of alignment with your intentions, but then you can look at why it happened, review and try to put a plan in place for next time.

  1. Remember why you are doing this.

If it starts to get stressful, then you are making it too hard. If you remember why you started something, you will find a workaround that motivates and keeps you going. One way you can do this is to ask yourself the question: What would this look like if it was easy?

Give yourself permission to break this annual cycle. Surround yourself with people who will cheer you, and commit to learning every time things do not go as planned.


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