List of All Universities/Polytechnics That Do not Accept Two Sittings In WAEC

The following Universities listed below does not accept combination of result(that is, 2 sittings) in courses like Law, Medicine and surgery.
Universities That Does Not Allow 2 Sittings in O’Level Results
- University of Benin, Uniben
- University of Lagos, UNILAG
- University of Ibadan, UI
- University of ilorin, UNILORIN
- Nnamdi Azikiwe University, UNIZIK.
Obafemi Awolowo University, OAU accept combination of o;level results. We spoke with some students from the Institution, and they told us that O.A.U accept 2 sittings for all Courses. Please disregard any person saying otherwise. If you are in doubt, you can contact the webmaster at OAU official portal: