Life’s most precious commodities that really matter

Our most precious commodities in life are not kept at the bank and cannot be ordered online, they are on a very short list.

Amongst our most precious commodities are our purpose, time, health, and our relationships, these make us truly richer.


Purpose is our ‘why’. It drives our actions. It fuels our passion. It encompasses our work, our relationships, and our approach to living our lives. It wraps around everything we do. It means living our lives in an intentional way. It gives our lives a sharper focus.

Our why is what keeps us going when life gets tough. Our why gives life extra meaning and richness. From time to time, ask yourself questions such as what more do I want out of life? What less may I want? The answers to these questions can be revealing and can lead us back to the core of what really matters most to us. Listen to these answers and use them as a guide.


We all have 24hours in our day. Why do some of us run around, constantly stressed, complaining we “don’t have time,” while others seem to approach life in a relaxed and happy state but still achieve a lot

This often comes down to choices.

Many of us make poor exchanges on our time on a daily basis. Each time we say yes to something, we are effectively saying no to something else. The problem is, we often say yes to too much. We rush from this commitment to that, never really feeling like we are truly present at any of them. Time is a finite resource; once spent, it’s gone. We can’t get time back but we can be very intentional with the time we have.


So many of us take our health for granted until we have a reason not to.

We neglect exercise, diet, mental health etc.  and then wonder why our bodies complain of stress. Our bodies are made to move, not sit humped over laptops or in front of TVs all day. Embrace the ability to move. Healthy eating as well can also be simple and enjoyable. Healthy eating can and should be delicious eating, and should never feel like drudgery.


Being outside more, eating well, and making time to decompress can all help our mental health and general feelings of well-being. We must also do our best to make the most of what we have by trying our best to look after ourselves.


Relationships are very important to humans, whatever age, whatever nationality, whichever sex. Without relationships, life is empty, boring and lonely. With, relationships, lives are fun, fulfilling and sometimes stressful. Our modern obsession with being busy leads many of us to feel we do not have enough time in our days which sometimes extends to our relationships. Our friends, family, and loved ones are what really add the spark to our lives. No man is an island and life would be boring if we had to live all by ourselves. We need to make the time to foster these relationships. Our relationships are our foundation. We need to nurture them with the love and attention they really deserve.


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