Lady Attacked After Revealing The Plans She Has For Her Future Husband

A lady has taken to twitter to reveal what she will do for her future husband in their marriage in order to have a happy home. According to the beautiful lady, she will cook for her husband, make his bed, clean his feet and remove bones from his meat but some people have stongly disagred with her.
The lady shared this tweet on twitter,
I will cook for husband.
Make his bed.
Clean his feet.
Remove bones from his meat.
Make his laundry.
And Pray for him.
If you think that makes me less of a woman you are an IDIOT.
She also added;
House chores is not SLAVERY
The lady also added that she will do his laundry as she took a swipe at those that think doing all these things makes her less of a woman.
After revealing her plans online, twitter users reacted – with some telling her that after doing all these things the man might still cheat on her while others hailed the lady for her strong and determined mindset.
See some of the reactions her tweet generated,
No need to insult people whose opinions differ from yours.. your insecurity is showing
best tweet frm a lady in a long while.. better husband fall on u beyen ?
Hahahaha. You shouldn’t have quickly claimed the idiocy, nah. it was meant for those who do not share that description. You don’t?
A typical will not take yhu serious… When he finds out yhu literally worship… I know yhure suppose to love..respect and care for yhur man…but that doesn’t mean yhull have to worship him …kilode…
House chores can be shared. I’d not let my wife take the blunt of having to raise children and also go to work all at the same time whilst taking care of me
Amen my sister and as the Word says as you do for others so it shall be done for you!!