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Kate Henshaw mocks ‘Nigeria We Hail thee’



Kate Henshaw mocks 'Nigeria We Hail thee'

The Labour of our heroes past, is now gone — Kate Henshaw mourns the demise of Arise O’Compatriot.

‘Nigeria We Hail Thee’, will surely take a lot of getting used to, and for many, hard to embrace, but for Nollywood actress, Kate Henshaw, the new national anthem not only takes away Nigeria‘s identity but also throws away what ‘Arise O’ Compatriot’ stood for.

Kate Henshaw voiced her disapproval of the current administration’s decision to reinstate the old national anthem. Henshaw particularly criticized the timing of this change, questioning how ‘Nigeria We Hail Thee’ would address the ongoing hardships in the country.

The actress expressed her concerns on social media, highlighting the severe economic difficulties and governance issues facing Nigeria.

“In the midst of excoriating hardship and lack of good governance on every level, but not to worry, going back to a colonial anthem will be a soothing balm and inject patriotism back into our veins, a much-needed drug,” Henshaw wrote sarcastically on her X handle.

In a subsequent post, she lamented the state of the nation, referencing the old anthem’s lyrics,

“The labour of our heroes past… o ti lo [is gone].”

This criticism follows President Bola Tinubu’s signing of the National Anthem Bill 2024 into law on Wednesday, which reinstates the old anthem, “Nigeria, We Hail Thee.” The decision has sparked debate about its relevance and impact amid the country’s current challenges.
