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Why You Should Invest In Video Marketing



Seeing is believing. We are compelled by those things we see over what does actually exist. Applying this understanding gives rise to the concept of video marketing.

When people see something, there’s a higher chance they’d buy it. Video marketing is becoming one of the fast rising approaches in digital marketing today. It is gaining a vital place in the marketing plans of all major companies to connect with consumers, engage with them and convert them into paying customers.

Integrating video and live video into today’s social media marketing has proved effective. In 2012, the video Gangnam style made $10 million from just uploading a video on YouTube.

Live video streaming, Facebook video ads, YouTube, and Snapchat are all platforms in the world today that has been used by marketers today to get a grip on their target audience. This is because they are able to relate on both a logical and emotional basis with their audience directly. While many marketers have taken to video marketing, most still have failed to see an opportunity for marketing in video technology and do not have a strategic approach to this channel.

Those who have employed this concept are seeing a great impact on their sales and marketing goals.

From 2013 to 2014, 43% more video was watched online. That represents a huge 38.2 billion video in a year. According to Syndacast, 74 percent of all Internet traffic in 2017 will be video. Why not creatively come up with a video at a low cost and take advantage of these numbers and make so much more.
Invest in Video Marketing. Why?

It generates high conversion rates. It is easier for the brain to process video content than text as videos are eye-catching.
It has the potential to go viral. The generate tremendous viewer interest. users are more likely to share and re-share videos than any other content online.
It is quicker and more effective. Be it brand awareness, entertaining or informative, these can all be achieved through videos. It creates quicker publicity than any other content.
Video ads rank well on Search engines due to descriptive tags. Videos have a direct impact on search

Thinking of How and Where to Start? Read further.

Find a platform: Youtube and Vimeo are tops when it comes to hosting online streaming. Facebook and Twitter also have integrated video.

Last year, Facebook announced an increase in its video viewership from 4 billion views per day to 8 billion views per day. Twitter also stated that tweets with videos and photos get the most retweets. Instagram and Snapchat are also a fast growing platform for

Make and Upload a video: Now that you have one or preferably more platforms, it is time to make a video ad that would be uploaded. In making your video, make good use of your video length as the different video platform provide varying video lengths. Make sure you tell your brand story within the provided video length. Add a Call-To- Action to your post, either in the video post or a written description about the post.
Promote your video: To make the most of your video, you must promote it. This can be done by pasting links on your blog or website and also posting links on all your social media platforms. A good social media presence will go a long way to promote your videos and make them viral.

Factors Affecting the Ranking of Videos and Video ads.

Relevance: A video should be relevant to the user’s search query. Since the content is video, its title forms the basic relevancy measuring factor.
Engagement: A video should be able to keep the audience engaged and active.
Authenticity: Trust is a major factor in marketing. A video should be trusted so as to avoid spam. If viewers sense anything out of authentic and original, they’d quickly lose interest.

Video marketing is a key content marketing approach in today’s world. When done right, it generates a high ROI. Companies/Marketers yet to pick this up, here’s an advice for you; Get on the trend right away. You’d be glad you did.

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