Introducing the VSMC Social Development Incubator Programme (SODIP)

Two weeks ago, when we shared the call for Internship, our simple intention was to engage and empower five (5) interns only. To our surprise, we received over 100 applications. This speaks volumes and goes a long way to show the depth of human capital deficiency in Nigeria.
To contribute our quota toward solving this challenge, VS Management & Consulting (VSMC) is thrilled to extend the application for one more week. Based on our belief that only skills bring success, our goal is to equip every applicant with practical skills to create and attract great value while bridging the huge unemployment gap for young Nigerians across the country.
VSMC will now be equipping 200 African youths with the requisite skills to function effectively in the development space within the Two (2) Day Extensive Workshop (at no cost), as facilitated by some of Africa’s finest development experts.
What do you stand to gain?
• Opportunity to build and set a definite career pathway in the development space in Africa and beyond.
• Opportunity to transition into the development space with ease and clear direction
• Internship opportunities with our partners (Limited space and highly competitive)
• Internship opportunities with VSMC across Africa
See the link below to apply: https://bit.ly/3uCevia
Only the first 200 applicants will be accepted.
VS Management & Consulting is a dynamic entity borne solely with a mission to accelerate the transformation of the African continent through technical assistance and investment in youth development given its catalytic potential.
VSMC works with a group of development experts united by a shared purpose; delivering exceptional social development services that proactively address underdevelopment, youth restiveness and poor quality of education across the African continent.