I didn’t beg you to pay my fees, don’t use it to trap me – Lady tells boyfriend as she calls relationship off

A Whatsapp conversation between two supposed lovers who are about to split has caused a series of reactions on social media.
A Whatsapp conversation shared on social media, shows a man and his girlfriend who has made up her mind to call off the relationship, despite all the man had done for her.
Reading the message, it seems the said boyfriend had brought up all the things he helped her with in the past as a way to discourage her from dumping him, but she asked him not to use all that to trap her.
In the chat, she mentioned that he paid her tuition fees with accommodation, but she does not want him to guilt-trip her into staying with him.
According to her, she is grateful for everything, however, she never begged him as he chose to do all those things out of his own will.
Giving a hint that she had found someone else, she said “”You don’t choose for the heart whom to love”