how to stay consistent

The accomplishment of our goals does not come about from working exceptionally well just for a few days, it is about consistency, everything great can only be accomplished with consistent effort and dedication. No matter what happens you have to put in the work every single day, small daily steps will take you to wherever you wish to go. Take up the challenge of living life on a new level, you can do this, find out what you want and go after your dreams with determination, because if you don’t you will just end up living an average life, what is so hard in being like everyone else, wake up and push yourself towards success. Your daily actions prove what you are serious about.

Identify your priorities and allocate time for these activities every single day no matter what, you must stay consistent and put in the work, consistent results only come from consistent effort. Those who are serious about success stay consistent. See how to remain consistent;


1: Make a conscious decision to remain consistent.

Say out loud to yourself, “I am committed to remaining consistent each day in my goal. I am doing this!” Notice the statement is in the present tense. This technique commands your subconscious mind to act now, not later. Consistent actions require consistent thinking, specifically consistent thoughts that you are and will remain consistent.



2: Revise your concept of time.

The only time you have is NOW. Later on, next week, next month, or next year is only a concept or thought in your mind while right now is here.  The point of power is always in the present moment and all the anxieties or worries about later on are not happening now. Right now is the only moment you need to pay attention to. You are only required to be consistent and disciplined in this moment. Be in the NOW.



3: Have a plan. Know your objective.

A plan is in place so that you don’t have to do the thinking before hand or in the moment. Preparation is necessary to be consistent. You must have a plan to be successful, even if it’s a daily plan. It is imperative that you have a plan so that you know where to direct your actions, thoughts, effort, and time. It must be a plan that you want, in line with your values. The more emotionally invested you are in your plan, the more you will remain committed, the higher your chances are for success.



4: Remember that feelings and thoughts are temporary and subjective.Any negative feeling or thought that could intrude on you being consistent is temporary. It is an illusion. Don’t let temporary illusions of stress, anxieties, worry, or insecurity derail you from your plan. In moments like these it’s critical that you push through the discomfort and just do it.



5: Do one thing at a time. Be in the present moment

Allow your mind and body to be present and engaged. When you find yourself distracted or your mind wandering you bring it back to full attention of your moment. They bring your attention back to the constructive action at hand and in the moment.




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