How to set your standards
The standards you set are valuable to yourself. Humans are imperfect, KT is reasonable to set realistic standards that you can abide to and follow on a daily basis. Setting standards is important. It could help maintain confidence and live through life. Set everything in moderation.
Before setting standards, it is pertinent to know your worth.
Stop second-guessing yourself and trying to guess whether you are of great worth. Believe in yourself and stay true to yourself. Determine how you think about yourself and break through your limiting beliefs.
Know what you want.
Do not overlook what you really want. Think deeply about it rather than float around. Knowing what you want would help you carry yourself with confidence, filter your action and reactions, stick to your guts.
Set boundaries Identify your expectations. Boundaries can be physical, emotional and they can range from emotional, intellectual, financial, being loose to rigid, with healthy boundaries often falling somewhere in between. Boundaries mean honoring ourselves BA’s a separate individual with needs and wants that often differ from others. Value your own opinions and know how to communicate your boundaries.
Be consistent with your standards. Start small. In essence, standards help to define what is okay and what is not okay to you and your beliefs. Standards can grow faint if not freshened up from time to time. Often times, look at your standards and challenge yourself. Boost yourself.