How to practice self responsibility

It is admirable to yearn to be responsible, more so, self responsibility. It may seem hard but consistency makes it simpler. Generally, take care of yourself and others, plan your time and money, and think of others. Self responsibility generates self esteem.
Self responsibility is the state of being responsible, accountable for something within one’s power, control or management. Being self responsible is being self aware.
Responsibility is an important step to being aware of your own life. It is a feel of control over our own lives. Self responsibility means taking responsibility for aspects of your life that are within your control. The accountability of an individual or collective actor for actions. Engaging in self responsibility means taking responsibility for your thoughts, feelings, words and actions. First, you must possess the ability to respond.
Taking responsibility puts you at choice and allows you you to choose how to respond to life’s challenges. Quite simply, stop complaining and blaming others for your problems and find a way to solve them not attacking yourself. Hold yourself accountable for your actions and own up to your wrongs and mistakes. Another way to be self responsible is to be responsible with your words.
Think before you speak to show empathy. To take responsibility for your life is to take responsibility for your powers of thinking, feeling, speaking and acting. You create your life with your thoughts, feelings, words and actions.
Most importantly, refuse to take anything personal. You can only control how you respond and not how people respond. Refuse to take things personal and make yourself happy. Taking responsibility for your happiness is liberating and calming. Happiness is a decision and only you can make that happen. Choose your thoughts carefully in every moment and live in every moment.
Lastly, be honest with yourself and give yourself the opportunity to be imperfect. Accept constraints and turn them into steps of development.
Self responsibility requires work, awareness and persistence. Self responsibility is the key to personal freedom. Start being accountable for your life as avoiding self responsibility is not an option. Form a habit of self responsibility and let change happen. Self responsibility provides a sense of purpose and accomplishments. In conclusion, self control, honesty, accountability, reasonable expectations, diligence, introspection, extrospection, knowledge, change, resilience, self direction, self fulfilment are all components of self responsibility.