How To Have It All in life

We live in a world filled with unlimited opportunities, breathtaking scenery, and boundless experience as well as crushing poverty, corruption, and all sorts of abuse. But you see, while some people sit and wallow in their darkest hours, some also fulfill their wildest dreams.

What then is the difference? Perception!

Think about the last time you had a “negative” event take place and the circumstances that followed. How did you handle it?  You see, you can actually choose to view these things as a positive. Every single thing that happens in our lives can be construed as positive or negative. Things that happen to us are simply events, nothing more. It’s one hundred percent how we respond to these events that shape our lives and dictate how happy we are.

Most of us will never take the time to actually figure out what our ideal life would look like. We wish for more money, success, happiness, etc., but that’s usually the extent of it. We can plan for a vacation to the beach all day long, but rarely does a person plan their life. What if you took an hour, a day, or a week to plan out exactly what your best life would look like?

Happiness comes from living life on your own terms. Having the freedom to control your time and energy are vital factors in being a happy person and living your ideal life. Life can be good, bad, or just ugly. It’s your choice as to which it will be.

It is entirely possible to have it all. Everyone’s definition of having it all will be different and it’s up to you to decide what that means. It does not matter how you define your ideal life, rather that you do define it and once you determine how you would like your life to be, you need first understand that you can live the life you desire and take daily action towards creating it.

We all have choices. We can chose to continue doing what we have always done and get the same results. Or we can choose to follow our passions, believe that we can and will find our version of happiness, and move towards it each and every day.


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