how to deal with uncertainty

Throughout our lives, we are bound to have several encounters with uncertainty. Nobody likes to feel uncertain about a decision they have to make, whether or not to believe in something or someone, or how an event will work out. However, we can take steps to help deal with this uncertainty so that we can get through the day. Here are five keys to dealing with uncertainty:

  1. Accept that we can’t control everything.

Recognize that there is only so much you can do right now and that makes you human, not powerless. Things will unfold soon enough. In the meantime, the way you treat yourself is in your control, so be kind.


  1. Envision the Best

We often try to spare ourselves disappointment by thinking through how things could go wrong. Try to imagine the best possible scenario. Picture your surroundings and how it will feel. Not only will you feel more confident about where you are headed, you will feel calmer and clearer about where you are at now, which well help with decision-making and boost your odds of success.


  1. Reflect

Remember that you have faced uncertainty before. The fact that you stand here now is proof that you are strong enough to make it through. Take time to think and reflect on what helped you before. Write it down and then read it when your worrisome thoughts start to take hold.


  1. Avoid Avoidance

A little uncertainty can be healthy. It activates the sympathetic nervous system—our “fight or flight” response which gives us a jolt of energy and mobilizes us to take action. When this response makes us too anxious, however, it can have the opposite effect and be paralyzing. If you know that you tend to avoid dealing with the future, remind yourself that although dealing with uncertainty is hard, there are consequences for not facing it head on.


  1. Replace expectations with plans.

When you form expectations, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. You can guide your tomorrow, but you cannot control the exact outcome. If you expect the worst, you will probably feel too negative and closed-minded to notice and seize opportunities. If you expect the best, you will create a vision that’s hard to live up to. Instead of expecting the future to give you something specific, focus on what you’ll do to create what you want to experience.


Uncertainty can keep you up at night, obsessing over ways to protect yourself from anything that might go wrong. Or it can motivate you to practice acceptance, live in the moment, and embrace the adventure of living.


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