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How to achieve emotional balance



Emotional balance is the ability to not get overwhelmed by feelings, activities of life, challenges of life and unforeseen circumstances of life. It comes from cultivating a healthy relationship with your emotions and understanding that some things one can control, some things one cannot control. Emotional balance comes from having a healthy relationship with your emotions. Accept healthy thoughts, let go of unhealthy and unhelpful thoughts, see healthy boundaries and prioritize self care. Emotional health is important and people who are emotionally healthy are in control of their thoughts, feelings and behaviour.
One way to achieve emotional balance is to face your emotions.

Face painful emotions. Pain is not always a sign of damages but a messenger. Do not judge yourself for feeling sad, angry or hurt. When you feel sad, remind yourself that it does not mean you are weak and that it is okay. Then, focus on controlling your urge to be aggressive or rude. Keep problems in perspective and bounce back from setback. Ensure that you are able to cope with life’s challenges.
It does not mean you are happy at all times but you are aware of your emotions and feeling of sadness, anger, stress and you can manage negative feelings. Also, notice what makes you frustrated, angry, sad and try to address it.
Secondly, Self-care.

Focus on taking good care of yourself. This helps the body, mind and soul to function properly. Rest well, good sleep,eat healthy, exercise, socialize, cultivate personal time in hobbies and passions. Self-care is committing to a constant regimen of healthy habits that keep you strong and energized with a clear-head.
Lastly, Think before you act.Give yourself time to think and be calm before you act so as to avoid regrets of your actions.

Try to communicate your wants and needs assertively and set healthy boundaries. This means willingness to let people know what you would and would not tolerate.

Emotionally balanced people do not experience fewer or less intense emotions anyone else. They are only better equipped to handle whatever emotions they find themselves with. Emotional balance comes from having a healthy with your emotions, knowing your emotions and understanding your emotions.

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