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Gunmen kidnap former governorship aspirant, five others in Cross River



Unknown gunmen abduct 13 women on Kaduna Birnin Gwari

Gunmen who stormed Hawkins Street in the Calabar South LGA have kidnapped a former governorship aspirant of the Peoples Democratic Party in Cross River State, Princess Filia Henshaw, and five others in Calabar.

It was gathered that the gunmen abducted Henshaw late Sunday at her residence near Hawkins Street in the Calabar South LGA.

A family member, who spoke to our correspondent on condition of anonymity, said, “The gunmen came inside the compound while the generator was on. They turned off the generator to lure us outside,

“The moment I opened the door to check what happened, I was attacked by two gunmen.

“Immediately Mma (Henshaw) heard the struggles between me and the gunmen, she came outside. That was when she was ordered into a waiting car by the gunmen and whisked away.”

Henshaw’s kidnapping is about the sixth in Calabar in recent weeks.

The Police Public Relations Officer in the state, DSP Irene Ugbo, confirmed the incident.

Ugbo said, “We are aware of the incidents and we are working on them. We are investigating the abduction of Princess Henshaw and we will get to the root of the matter.

“We also made progress at the weekend as we rescued another businessman who was kidnapped in  the Akampka LGA.”

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