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Gratitude Affirmations To Help You Express Gratitude Today



Gratitude affirmations will help you express gratitude for the very life that you are living. In life, it is impossible to make a reciprocating gesture for everything that we receive. Not only is it impossible to pay for everything that we receive, but most of the times mere payment does not fully compensate for what we have received.

According to the law of attraction, one attracts only those things or situations in life that one inherently is. If one is resentful, one will attract people or situations that will increase one’s resentment. If one’s tendency is toward sadness, it is difficult to attract happy situations in life. On the other hand if you are full of gratitude for everything in life, then there is a greater likelihood of those things or situations that gave you a feeling of thankfulness being repeated in your life, and in abundance.

Say the following gratitude affirmations daily;



  • Every person that touches my life, enriches it. I am thankful to them.


  • I realize that every situation in life has some purpose and thank the Universe for it


  • The air I breathe, the ground I walk on, are all a gift from God. I express my gratitude for the same.


  • The house I stay in, the clothes I wear are all because of the munificence of God. I am grateful for it.


  • I am grateful for having a lovely and loving family.


  • I am grateful for all the friends and colleagues in my life without whom my life would be incomplete.


  • I am thankful for the wonderful nature around me and the chance to live in this incredible world.


  • I am thankful to my body for allowing me to live a healthy and zestful life.


  • I thank my parents for the kind of life that they have provided me with.


You can go ahead and create your own gratitude affirmations today and repeat it to yourself daily. Repetition will mold your mind in a way that will be more receptive for things that produce gratitude.


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