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Ghanaian Bishop Daniel Obinim Claims He Was The Angel Who Rolled Out The Stone From The Tomb When Jesus Resurrected



The founder and leader of the International Godsway Church, Angel Bishop Daniel Obinim, has been around for quite a while–for more than 2000 years, from my calculations. He has claimed that he was around when Jesus resurrected–in fact, he claims he was the angel who rolled away the stone from the tomb when Jesus resurrected.

Wehdon sah!

The Ghanaian pastor, who made news headlines when he ordered his congregation to bring their used underwears, panties, boxer shorts and brassieres,revealed this to his congregation in his Easter Sunday sermon:

You have a powerful man of God and some Ghanaians are taking me for granted. Sometimes, it even marvels me. You see, the reason why we are all able to celebrate Easter is that Jesus died and rose again.

In all these, I was there. In fact, I was the Angel who rolled out the stone for Jesus to come out of the tomb. Yes, I am powerful.

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