why and how to gain clarity of purpose in life

What do you want to get from life, have you ever asked yourself this question, most people don’t ever take the time out of their busy lives to just pause for a moment and ask themselves what they want in life. Clarity is power.

Get clear on how you want to live, you must write down what you want, write out how you want your life to be and keep the note in a place that you will see it every single day. Clarity encompasses your whole life. If you don’t get clear on what you want then you will just settle for what you are given, people who don’t know what they want don’t have a problem with the crumbs they get from life. Don’t throw away a life of greatness for a life of mediocrity.

Here are tips for infusing your life with more clarity:

  1. Assume 100% responsibility for your own level of clarity.

Many people assume that clarity is something that will arrive in good time if they simply wait patiently. Others feel stunted that they are not gifted with the same degree of clarity as others.  Some people believe people get lucky and others don’t. Clarity is not something that arrives from outside of you. Clarity isn’t a matter of luck either. Clarity is what you create for yourself. Clarity is a decision. Whatever degree of clarity you are experiencing right now is what you have decided to create. Its also possible that you may not be very good at creating clarity yet. You may in fact be very good at creating confusion and uncertainty for yourself and that’s okay for now, but take it as a given that you are the one who’s creating your current level of clarity.

You must accept that if your current degree of clarity is to improve, then you must actively make some changes. If you want more clarity, then it’s time you have to realize that’s entirely 100% your responsibility. It’s not going to happen unless you make it happen.


  1. Stop creating the opposite of clarity.

Some thoughts and actions lead to increased clarity. Other thoughts and actions have the opposite effect. If you want to experience more clarity, you must disengage yourself from that which has an adverse effect on your clarity. If you find yourself surrounded by people and circumstances that leave you feeling dizzy and confused, drop those elements from your life, and give yourself the space to create and enjoy the clarity you seek. Spinning in circles is unproductive.


  1. Harvest and apply the clarity lessons from your past.

At some points in your life, you have been very clear. At other times you have been extremely uncertain. Take a moment to review those times when you have been at both sides, see if you can identify some of the causal factors on both sides. Notice which factors lead to reduced clarity, and do less of them. Also notice which factors lead to increased clarity, and do more of them.


  1. Use visualization to create the vibe of clarity.

Either you feel clear and focused right now, or you don’t. You may assume that your external reality has to be a certain way in order for you to feel clear and focused. Clarity is more than just a feeling. There’s an emotional state associated with it. Clarity is a certain vibe. When you are really clear, your mind and emotions are centered. Every part of you is on the same page. There’s no doubt or uncertainty. This is a powerful state of being to experience. Sit quietly for a few moments and imagine what your surroundings would look like if you were really clear about your direction in life right now. Imagine the people and circumstances that would be in your reality. Paint a vivid picture of a reality in which you feel crystal clear about your direction in life. The more you practice holding this vibe, the more clarity you will bring to the rest of your life and to all the decisions you make.


  1. Ask for help.

Ask someone who’s clear about their path to assist you. The quality of help you receive will vary depending on the source. An experienced person may be able to help you gain clarity quickly, while an enthusiastic but inexperienced friend may create more confusion than certainty. Bear in mind that you are still 100% responsible for your level of clarity. If you try to give that power away to such people, hoping they will tell you what to do, it may backfire. You only need their thoughts to help you draw out and validate a path that’s right for you but creating the path is your responsibility.


  1. Put your goals in writing, and review them daily.

As soon as you write down your goals, you will experience a boost in clarity. And each time you review your goals, you will gain more clarity. Writing down your goals pushes you to make them clearer and more precise. It’s easy for a goal to remain fuzzy when it’s only in your mind, but if it’s stuck in your head and you can’t even write it down, it’s more of a fantasy than a goal. Putting your goal in writing is the first key action step toward making it real. Whatever you would like to keep as fantasy, leave it in your imagination. But whatever you would like to experience in physical reality, put it down in writing.


  1. Crystalize your goals.

As you review your goals, try to lock them down and make them more specific. Clear written goals help you stay focused while fuzzy goals leave you feeling uncertain. There’s no need to add superfluous details that are irrelevant to you, but if you can be more specific about what you truly want, it will help you achieve your goals faster.


  1. Pay attention to the path, not just the end result.

Sometimes the way you achieve a particular goal is more important than the goal itself. When a goal is too straightforward, it can become demotivating because the action steps may get tedious and repetitive after a while. But if you can spice up the process used to achieve the goal, you may discover some newfound excitement.


  1. Stick with one primary goal at a time.

If you have a lot of goals, it’s easy to fall into the trap of jumping around between different goals and making little progress on any of them. If you want to actually achieve a goal, focus on one key goal single-mindedly until it’s achieved. Then move on to another goal. This is what top achievers do. Having too many competing goals will simply scatter your energies. It’s great to have a big list of goals, but which of those goals is most important to you now? Make that goal your primary aim, and focus on its achievement. When you can work on that goal, do so.


  1. Explore and experiment.

Sometimes it’s tough to set a clear goal because you don’t know what you are getting into. In that case you can experiment in order to gain clarity about the goal space you are exploring. Doing what you are already doing won’t give you more clarity. Thinking about what to do next and writing down some goals can certainly help, but that isn’t always enough. Sometimes you have to get moving first before clarity can be achieved. You will enjoy more clarity when you are in motion than when you are standing still. Don’t let fears about other people’s reactions hold you back from conducting your own growth experiments.


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