
Free Gift: Unhooked (How To Break Bad Habits And Form Good Ones That Stick) By Sam Thomas Davies

Unhooked: How to Break Bad Habits (and Form Good Ones That Stick) is a free book written by Sam Thomas Davies.

In this book, you are guaranteed to learn the following and way more:

  • Why habits emerge, how they change, and the science behind their mechanics.
  • The common mistakes in behavior change and how to avoid them.
  • How to:
    • break habits into parts and rebuild them to your specifications.
    • eat less, exercise more, work more efficiently, and live a healthier life.
    • improve your performance, grow your career and gain a competitive edge in work.
    • focus your strength, resist temptation and redirect your life.
    • redesign your environment and nudge yourself towards the best decisions.
    • remove obstacles to progress.
    • overcome resistance and commit to long-term change.
    • minimize feelings of anxiety

In life and work, we all have a “wall”; a habit we want to form, a behaviour we want to change, a goal we want to achieve, etc.

But in order to build that wall, we must lay “bricks”, in other words, perform reps and repetitions and focus on our next brick, our “next play”.


For more strategies on how to improve habits, add new skills and sustain excellence, visit his website here or join his free weekly newsletter here. You are welcome to share it with anyone you think it might benefit.

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