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Finland’s NATO plot puts President Putin on edge



Finland's NATO plot puts President Putin on edge

“They (the West) took Finland and dragged it into NATO!” — Russian President, Vladimir Putin gets tough as tension builds between Russia and Finland.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued a stern warning regarding potential tensions with neighboring Finland following its recent accession to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) earlier this year.

The move by Finland to join NATO has significantly altered the security dynamics in northern Europe, effectively extending NATO’s frontier with Russia by approximately 1,300 kilometers (830 miles).

Expressing his discontent, President Putin highlighted NATO expansion as a pivotal reason for Russia’s incursion into Ukraine.

“They (the West) took Finland and dragged it into NATO! Why, did we have any disputes with Finland? All disputes, including those of a territorial nature in the middle of the 20th Century, have all been resolved long ago,” Putin stated in an interview published on Sunday, December 17.

Putin emphasized the impending ramifications of Finland’s NATO membership, affirming plans to establish the Leningrad military district in the region and concentrate military units there.

Additionally, Putin dismissed remarks made by US President Joe Biden, branding them as “complete nonsense.” Biden had previously warned of Putin’s potential expansionism, suggesting Russia might target a NATO ally, potentially drawing US troops into conflict.

Addressing concerns about Russia’s intentions toward NATO countries, Putin asserted, “There is no desire to spoil relations with them (NATO countries); we are interested in developing relations,” emphasizing Russia’s lack of territorial claims within NATO member states.

Finland’s inclusion as the 31st member of NATO in April doubled the security alliance’s direct border with Russia.

President Sauli Niinistö previously cited the evolving security environment, notably influenced by Putin’s actions in Ukraine, as a driving force behind Finland’s decision to seek NATO membership.


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