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‘Finalise Details’ Of Trump’s Visit To Britain, May Tells Officials



British Prime Minister Theresa May and U.S. President Donald Trump have asked officials to “work together on finalising the details of Trump’s visit to the UK later this year,’’ May’s office reports.

May and Trump met on Thursday on the sidelines on the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, a day ahead of a scheduled keynote speech by Trump.

They discussed Iran and Syria, while May briefed Trump on the “good progress’’ in Britain’s negotiations on leaving the European Union, Downing Street said.

“The two leaders reiterated their desire for a strong trading relationship post-Brexit, which would be in the interests of both countries,’’ it said.

Trump announced earlier this month that he had cancelled a visit to London coinciding with the opening of a new U.S. embassy on February 26, when mass protests against him were planned in London.

He said he did not like the building and thought it was a “bad deal’’ financially.

Critics said the real reason for Trump’s cancellation of the trip was the strong opposition to him in Britain.

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson on Monday blamed the opposition Labour party for whipping up anti-Trump sentiment, which risks “damaging the national interest.’’

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