The Isaac Series
TopNaija Stories: Olusegun Olaoke, Founder, Soul Clinic

Les Brown once said “Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears”.
If we were to to get an actual number of people who have buried their dreams and opted to live their fears instead, we would be astounded by the figure.
As fatal as fear might be, a lot of people do not know how to deal with it. It’s not taught at schools, neither is it given any adequate attention. Therefore, a lot of people ‘suffer’ this affliction that, like a cancer, eats away at our dreams and stops us from reaching our full potential.
Fear Doctor, Olusegun “Cheggon” Olaoke, founder Soul Clinic in an exclusive interview with talks about how the Soul Clinic is positioned to rid our hearts and mind of fear.
Is Cheggon a variation of Segun, or does it mean something else?
- I once had a close friend who was deaf and partially dumb. He could read and so he tried hard to always pronounce my name. Every time he tried, he divided the name into “SE” and “GUN”…And constantly called something that sounded like “CHEGGON”. My friend later died, but I kept the name to always remember him. I made the name my brand name and was going to eventually drop it but God asked me not to and gave it a meaning – Chosen Herald Exhibiting God’s Greatness Over Nations.
So what does Cheggon do, and why is it important?
- Like the name says – Cheggon, in summary, uses his gifts to exhibit God’s greatness. I believe that everyone has been sent here with some special abilities and it is extremely important and necessary for us to make use of them so that the ONE who sent us here will be glorified, and the ones we have been sent to will benefit from our works.
Tell us a bit about your educational background
- I was in Science Class in Secondary school (These days, it’s hard to say you were a science I didn’t want to be a science student, but my teachers thought it was just appropriate for me to be in science class because I had an extremely good Junior WASSCE result. I finished school and found myself studying Computer Science in the prestigious Ladoke Akintola University of Technology. I didn’t do badly at all. I graduated with amazingly great grades.
Given your educational history, how did you find yourself fighting fear professionally?
- Remember that I never wanted to delve into the sciences. I actually wanted to become a Lawyer or a theatre artiste. After my graduation, I felt empty. I wanted to do something different. I wanted to act, sing, talk…But I was confused. VERY CONFUSED! I had studied computer science and I was afraid of doing what I actually wanted to do. I was afraid of what People would say.So, I found myself doing so much…just to cover up my fears. Each time, I ended up depressed and frustrated. I knew what my Problem was – IT WAS FEAR! One day, I had an encounter that made me make up my mind to fight my fears and begin to live the life I should live. I didn’t want to die with all my gifts and abilities, so I knew I needed to do something about my fears. That was where my fear fighting journey began. When I was done with this process, I realised I wasn’t alone on that lane and I got the instruction to help people fight their fears as well…
When you were younger, what did you want to be?
- I wanted to become a Lawyer or a theatre artiste. I just wanted to talk and act.
Did any personal experience inspire you to want to fight fear?
- Ok, let me give the detailed experience that triggered it. Having studied what I didn’t want to, I began to live in Fear, Fear of the unknown. I was assumed the “MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED” everywhere I went because of my many gifts,and this only heightened my fears. The expectations were too much and I found myself doing everything in fear, while actually doing nothing.I just wanted to live up to the expectations of the society. One day, I was around University of Lagos and I saw this compound with very tall trees with very green leaves.Such a beautiful sight to behold. While I was admiring the beauty, the HolySpirit asked me- “Do you know why those trees are green and beautiful?”..Of course I had no idea. He then said- “They are beautiful because people have died with their great seeds and gifts still in them because of Fear”…I didn’t understand until i realised it was a cemetery. He then said- “If you don’t want to end up this same way, you must do something about your many fears. That was what inspired the journey.
What is your most memorable battle with fear, and how did you overcome?
- Hmmm… Since I began the journey, areas where I never knew I had this deadly emotion began to open up. I suddenly realised that Fear was almost a FULL PART of me. I literally had to fight and overcome a lot..However, one memorable one for me was when I was going to overcome the FEAR of “WHAT WILL PEOPLE SAY/THINK”. The good thing about my approach to fighting fear is – I go to the ROOTS of the FEAR and fight from there. So, I had to understand this particular fear, and built processes to gradually overcome. It was an amazing journey that worked perfectly, so much that I had to create a course from my journey to help other people dealing with this deadly syndrome.
What is the Soul Clinic?
- The Soul Clinic is a one-stop Mind Clinic for all emotions-related issues. We run like the regular Clinic..The only difference is, we deal with matters of the Soul.
That’s something that is not really popular around these parts. How has the general reception been so far?
- The truth is, people are beginning to realise that psychology is as important as physiology. As a matter of fact, medical doctors are beginning to emphasize the importance of mental wellness. So, gradually, we are beginning to gain relevance and acceptance. We will gain full acceptance and relevance when people begin to realise that Mental health is NOT “MADNESS”…When people get free to admit that they are afraid, depressed,etc without feeling awkward.
Is there a method to your fear fighting? How do you treat your patients?
- Yes, there is. Our Patients run mind tests to diagnose the root cause of their Fears. we don’t do motivation, WE ACTUALLY TREAT. Once the root cause is diagnosed, the treatment begins. This can take any form depending on what was diagnosed. Most of our treatments are Fun-filled and very effective.
What’s the most peculiar case you have ever worked with, and how did you deal with it?
- We have dealt with many “peculiar” cases, ranging from what seemed “spiritual” to deep mind related cases. I have worked with someone who had the Fear of Dying as a result of certain scary repeated occurrences. We ran mind tests to diagnose the root and we worked from there. Once we were able to solve the problem from the root, the whole Fear was resolved.
What would you like the world to know about fear?
- There is a popular saying that “FEAR IS A SPIRIT”. I will love the world to know that FEAR IS NOT A SPIRIT. What the bible meant is “The Spirit you were given is NOT the one that has fear in it, but the One that is filled with Power and Love”. This misconception alone can breed Fear. Fear is LEARNED and can be UNLEARNED the same way it was LEARNED. I wish everyone would know this TRUTH.
Is fear really an enemy? Can fear motivate or be harnessed into something more positive? How?
- The real work of Fear is to “protect you” from anything that it perceives might harm or cause you any form of discomfort. Whenever you use Fear to motivate you to take action, you are only trying too hard. You are accepting that Fear is right, but you just want to take a chance. A lot of people use thismethod, but I always encourage people to, first, master Fear, KNOW the work it is trying to do, Let it realise that the information it is bringing is not true (In most cases), and then take action. There is so much emotional energy dissipated whenever Fear is harnessed into something positive.
Are there times we should be afraid?
- Fear always presents itself all the time! Being afraid is accepting the facts that Fear brings. Once you discard and re-orientate your mind concerning the situation, there is really no need to be afraid. Like I always say, the ONLY thing to be afraid of is -Not doing what you wish to do because of what Fear is selling to you.The bible says – DO NOT BE AFRAID. It means God’s original plan for us is not to be afraid.
What is the difference between fear and caution?
- Caution is what makes you look both ways before crossing the road…Fear is what makes you never want to go to the road because of what might happen. Caution is what makes you read well before writing an examination..Fear is what makes you sweat profusely and eventually freezing up in the hall even after reading so much. Caution is usually a feeling that something might not just be right, or that something is about to happen. It doesn’t come with fast heartbeat, tightening of the chest, etc..It’s what some call gut Instinct.
Before you became a fear doctor, you were an MC, Musician, OAP–In fact, you did almost everything. Are you leaving all of that for this assignment?
- I had to stop all those based on an Instruction to stop and focus, especially because I was everywhere and actually NOWHERE. I learnt to pick one thing, incorporate the other, and then the next…So, I am gradually going back to all those things. I run an academy for OAPs at the moment, I sing, and soon will return to anchoring events.
Do you plan to continue with them sometime in the future?
- Yes, I will.
In your book, The Secret, you said that people who have several things going on at the same time should leave the rest and focus on one. Can you explain the idea behind this?
- There is a principle called The Power of Focus… Multi-talented people have the problem of Knowing what to do per time. I was in such serious mess. People saw me as successful, but I was frustrated! What helped me was The Power of Focus. I wrote down all my talents and all the things I wanted to do. I began to streamline till I got the most important (The one that would add value to people around me in the moment). When I discovered that, I looked at the talent that would help that happen, and then I merged… I started off with that, and with time, I added another talent that could be used for same purpose, and I explored as well…I went on that way until I had merged everything without even realising. You should get the book to really understand.
How would someone who has several talents decide which one to choose and focus on?
- My previous response answers this. However, I suggest every multi-talented person reads my book – The Secret.
What if the chosen field doesn’t work out? Is that a good time to explore other talents?
- If anything doesn’t work out at first, it doesn’t mean it won’t work out eventually. failing doesn’t make anyone a failure. However, if you think you have tried all and it still won’t work out, then you will need to proceed to the next line of action according to how your have itemized them. Please, refer to the book -The Secret.
What happens when the Fear Doctor himself feels afraid? Does he have a special way of dealing with it?
- The same way a doctor gets sick is the way the Fear Doctor has Fears once in a while…The only advantage is, the doctor knows what to do not to even invite Fear at all. I constantly renew my mind. That’s my number 1 strategy. I also know how to convert Fear to Fun. That’s a Strategy that I use ALL THE TIME.
What and who are the top 5 people that inspire you?
- God, and everyone who is living a life of complete Impact.
As a writer, it almost follows that you must be a reader too. What book has made the most significant impact in your life?
- The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.
From your experience, what’s the most important thing you’ve learned about branding yourself as a fear doctor?
- It has helped me to Stand out and be known for something specific. It has also helped me to focus even more.
How does the nature of you job affect your marriage?
- Quite positively! My wife is very supportive. she understands my work and has learnt to give all the support necessary. I sometimes tease her by calling her “The Fear Nurse”.
What kind of music do you listen to? Who is your favourite musician?
- I listen to Good and Inspiring music! So anyone who sings Good and Inspiring music is my favourite musician.
Where do you see yourself and your brand in the next 5 years?
- There are certain things I don’t like to talk about. My life is totally directed by God. I am only acting out a Script. So, In 5 years, I want to be at the right spot in the Script created by the Almighty God!