Exposed! Perverted Nurse Sends Explicit Photos And Videos Of Patients To Boyfriend

A Zimbabwean nurse is currently in trouble after she was allegedly sending nude pictures and explicit recorded clips of pregnant patients in labour to her boyfriend.
The nurse identified as Kundai Chitate who works at Masvingo general hospital in Zimbabwe allegedly recorded screaming and groaning patients in labour and sent the audio clips to her boyfriend identified as Tichafara Mugumbate.
Report has it that apart from sending audio clips of women in labour, Kundai was also in the habit of sending her nudes to Tichafara.
The 29 year old nurse was exposed by the South Africa-based ex-boyfriend after they broke up two weeks ago.
The boyfriend
“The recording of the patient screaming in labour… I sent it to him by mistake,” Kundai said when exposed.
“As for the nudes, they are mine yes. I used to send him when we were still in a relationship but when we broke up he started acting weird and posting them in different WhatsApp groups.”
“His family and my family are aware of what he is doing. They have tried to talk him out of it but he won’t listen.
How sick of her! Leave a comment below and tell me what you think…