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“EFCC allegations not true” — Yahaya Bello



"EFCC allegations not true" -- Yahaya Bello

Former Governor of Kogi State, Yahaya Bello, has refuted claims made by the Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Ola Olukoyede, alleging that he withdrew $720,000 from the state’s funds to pay for his children’s school fees.

In response to the accusation, Bello dismissed the assertion as misleading, asserting that receipts in the public domain, released by his legal representatives, substantiate his position.

According to a statement issued by his Media Officer, Ohiare Michael, Bello clarified that his children had been enrolled in the American International School, Abuja, prior to his tenure as governor, and he consistently covered their tuition fees.

The statement titled “Payment for School Fees: Setting the Records Straight” emphasized Bello’s commitment to fulfilling his parental responsibilities and denied any misuse of state resources for personal expenses.

Contrary to the EFCC chairman’s claims, Bello asserted that the payment of his children’s school fees did not coincide with his departure from office and commenced in 2021. He also denied allegations of utilizing state funds for this purpose.

Furthermore, Bello’s statement contended that the EFCC had not seized any assets belonging to him or his family members, refuting suggestions of financial impropriety.

The former governor reserved his right to pursue legal recourse against what he deemed defamatory remarks, while affirming his adherence to ethical and legal standards throughout his tenure.
