Download: Joecee Ft. Franky & Double B – Mogbe

Produced by Darry P, featuring Frankie and Double B, ‘Mogbe‘ is a song with a lot of flavour and sensation, setting listeners aglow from the talented Joecee.

‘Mogbe!’ is an exclamation in Yoruba (one of the three major Nigerian Languages) that means ‘I am finished’. It is literally used when one loses or about losing something so dear and precious to him/her.

As can already be deduced from the title and the song’s lyrics, the singer is pleading with a lady who is about calling it ‘off’ with him. This is a lady possessing all qualities he has been seeking in a lady. However, not too long into their relationship, the she wanted to leave.

To remedying the situation, Joecee, in the song, told her how hard he had searched and how long he had waited to find her. She is what he wants and that if she leaves, he is in mess.

Listen, download and share your thoughts below!


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