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Don Jazzy asks FG to legalize cannabis



Don Jazzy tweets on Cannabis

Barely a few days after ace music producer, Don Jazzy took to social media to celebrate one year since he quit smoking. (Read HERE)


Now, in a lengthy thread on Twitter, the Mavin records boss writes passionately telling the FG about the health and immense economic benefits that could be derived if Cannabis is legalized.


According to him, ‘with the global cannabis industry projection of about $200 bn earnings by 2030, it would be advisable for Nigeria to make hay while the Sun shines’.


See his tweets below…..

Don Jazzy tweets on Cannabis

Don Jazzy tweets on Cannabis

Don Jazzy tweets on Cannabis

Don Jazzy tweets on Cannabis

Don Jazzy tweets on Cannabis

Don Jazzy tweets on Cannabis

Don Jazzy tweets on Cannabis

Don Jazzy tweets on Cannabis

Don Jazzy tweets on Cannabis

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