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Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty | by GrantCardone



Wells are dug because people need water. If you don’t dig a well, you might find yourself without water. When it comes to business, the same truth holds. Russell Brunson — my man out in Boise, Idaho and creator of Clickfunnels — knows this truth. He has quoted the book title by Harvey Mackay — Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty — because it’s a principle that rings true in many different ways.

Too many people neglect to build a pipeline, then wonder why they have no sales. You can’t expect sales to just come to you. You have to start things. Figure out a problem the other person has and help them solve that problem. Start digging! Fill your pipeline and you will never get thirsty.

The number one reason a salesperson or a business fails is their inability to find people who are qualified, ready, willing and able to buy. This is why I’m always prospecting. You could have the greatest product at the best location, but without people talking about you, coming to see you, reaching for you, you’re done. You have to confront this prospecting thing, and that means cold calling.

There are four actions that people take with any prospect and only one of them works.

1.    No Action: You don’t lift a finger to do anything.
2.    Retreat: You actually see a customer and decide to retreat.
3.    Average Action: You do whatever is expected of the people around you.
4.    Massive Action: The only way that works.

Whenever you are in doubt, take action. The guy who only operates at normal levels actually believes he is doing something, compared with the people who are doing nothing or retreating, but the reality is they are all losing in the marketplace because they aren’t taking massive action.

In prospecting, you must begin to think in massive amounts. You want to be omnipresent and have people looking for you. You want people talking about you. You need blogs, videos and people promoting you. Find a way to get in front of people. Use your phone. Text people. Make videos and cover your social media channels.

When you do prospecting right you give yourself confidence to command a higher price for your service or product. What happens when you don’t see anyone for two or three days? Your confidence drops. This is why you must dig your well before you’re thirsty.


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