Why you should develop a GOOD sense of humour
Having a good sense of humour is one vital component of the wheels of social interaction. Having a good sense of humor reduces stress, helps you cope with pain and creates empathy in social situation. But there is one aspect that is more important, and that’s the nature of ‘good’ when attached to ‘sense of humour’. People with a ‘good’ sense of humour are pleasant in their amusement. They can take a joke against themselves, and they don’t find amusement in others’ misfortunes or in hurtful things. If someone tells a joke that is inappropriate, they are not judgemental but they do know how to make clear that it was not right. They challenge jokes that are in bad taste, but in a way that is acceptable to others or tactful.
It is almost impossible to remain angry with someone who is making you laugh, even if they have done something really naughty. Once you allow yourself to see the funny side, you will soon be laughing with them. Finding the same things funny also seems to be one of the strongest bases for lasting friendships.
Laughing together promotes warmth of feeling and helps people to feel good. Even in the very worst of times, laughter can make people feel better. You may have heard people say that they didn’t know whether to laugh or cry: the two are very close, but laughing feels so much better and is much more positive. However laughter and humour also have other, equally valuable purposes. By having a sense of humor you can build your social circle and get to know more interesting people.
Humour can:
- Make criticism more palatable. With humour, rather than anger and harsh words, the sense of the words can be taken on board without offence.
- Allow things to be said that are otherwise too difficult for the conversation, because they can be said more lightly. A joke can often tell a difficult truth.
- Attract the right kinds Of people. Attracting people into your life makes things more enjoyable, but it isn’t about how many people you know, instead it is about the quality of the people that you know. Having a good sense of humor tends to attract others with a good sense of humor or with at least a positive outlook on life. These people can influence you in a good way.
- Get to the heart of what matters in a very gentle and subtle way.
- Improve Your Mood. Sometimes we need to stop focusing on the things which are stressing us out and start focusing on things which are making us feel good about the world in which we live.
Those who lack a sense of humour may be over-sensitive to the feelings of others, and go too far to avoid giving offence.
To avoid making mistakes, there are four areas you should consider:
- Object – who or what is the target or object of my humour, and will they be hurt by it?
- Strength – what strength of feeling will this arouse, and is that appropriate in this group?
- People – who is the audience, and who might be offended?
- Occasion – is this really the time and place for this joke?
These questions should guide you as to whether the comment or joke is going to be acceptable at the time. If in doubt, stop. Do you want to be happy, healthy, and have a great social life? Maybe it is time to take a step back from the overly-serious side of life and develop your own sense of humor.