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Tinubu’s stumble at Democracy Day: A stumble, but commitment stands tall



President Bola Tinubu stumble at Eagles Square

President Bola Tinubu stumbled at the Eagles Square, the venue for the 2024 Democracy Day celebration, on Wednesday.

The incident occurred as he was boarding the parade vehicle shortly after he arrived at the venue.

Security details and aides quickly rushed to assist the President, ensuring he regained his balance without any harm.

Despite the momentary mishap, Tinubu reaffirmed his dedication to building a fair and equitable Nigeria where every citizen enjoys equal rights.

President Bola Tinubu’s commitment was reiterated during his Democracy Day address, where he emphasized the importance of fostering inclusivity and justice through comprehensive economic and political reforms.

Tinubu highlighted his administration’s ongoing reforms aimed at strengthening the nation’s foundation for future growth.

The President’s unwavering determination to create a more just and prosperous society remains a focal point of his leadership.

Key Points from President Tinubu’s Democracy Day Speech:

  1. Historical Context:
    • Acknowledged the 30th anniversary of the June 12, 1993, presidential election, which was annulled by the military, sparking a prolonged struggle for democracy.
  2. Tribute to Chief Moshood Abiola:
    • Honored Chief MKO Abiola, the winner of the annulled election, and highlighted his ultimate sacrifice for democracy.
  3. Recognition of Other Democratic Heroes:
    • Paid tribute to Kudirat Abiola, Pa Alfred Rewane, Major General Shehu Musa Yar’Adua, and others who sacrificed their lives for democracy.
  4. Importance of Protecting Democracy:
    • Emphasized the need to guard and protect democracy like a precious jewel, noting the horrors of dictatorship.
  5. Value of Democratic Processes:
    • Highlighted the significance of free and fair elections, acknowledging both the joy of victory and the acceptance of defeat.
  6. Rule of Law:
    • Stressed the importance of a vibrant judiciary and the recent reform of judicial officers’ retirement age to strengthen the rule of law.
  7. Economic and Social Justice:
    • Linked democracy to economic justice, citing Abiola’s vision of eliminating poverty through effective policies.
  8. Fuel Subsidy Removal:
    • Defended the removal of fuel subsidies, acknowledging the additional burden on the masses but framing it as a necessary step for national survival.
  9. Commitment to Infrastructure and Public Services:
    • Promised massive investments in transportation, education, power supply, and healthcare to improve quality of life.
  10. Call to Service for Elected Officials:
    • Urged elected officials to offer selfless service and deliver on electoral promises.
  11. Renewed Hope Agenda:
    • Reiterated commitment to the administration’s ‘Renewed Hope’ agenda, emphasizing truth, equity, and justice.
  12. Closing Remarks:
    • Wished the nation a happy Democracy Day and expressed hope that the light of liberty would never be extinguished in Nigeria.

Lawrence is a dynamic digital journalist known for his expertise in creating SEO-focused content that drives business success. Alongside his journalism career, he also serves as an AI tutor, leveraging his knowledge to educate and empower others in the field. Lawrence graduated from Moshood Abiola Polytechnic with an HND in Mass Communication and has had his work referenced in Wikipedia and various online media outlets.
