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Dear God, Here Are 5 Things We Demand This Christmas Season!



It is not a case of begging, or ‘trying to see if…’. As a NIgerian in 2018, we have earned the right to demand from God and he answers in two minutes flat. With the way this country is right now, we should be getting complimentary gifts from God on a regular.  But forget that side, it’s Christmas!

Christmas is a few minutes away and we are half dead already! If you are human like me (we are not talking of celestial beings like J and B, Chimamanda Adichie or Sola Sobowale) this year cannot end fast enough. Yes, we are grateful but we haff tire!

In spite of the tiredness, this December shall be crazaaay! So here are the things we (coughs ahem, ‘I’) need this December.


  1. Answered Prayers: For those of us that have stopped praying during the year, our prayer life has grown legs o! I want is to pass out from happiness. Is that too much to ask? I am not even asking for money sef.


  1. A engagement ring: If you raise an eyebrow, the thunder coming for you has been gyming since January! There are still 19 days till 2018. Bobo ooooooo! Hint 1: I left my rings in your favourite jeans and in the pocket of your dashboard.
  1. Showers Of Blessings: I want to get blessing I don’t deserve. I want to enter a shop and someone pays for everything!

I want to be like this guy and get bags of rice and oil and a generator without even using the sim card ni to ri olorun! Can I get my own generator?!


4. A ticket to Wizkid’s concert: Just one ticket. Okay, you can lap me if you want. I just want to watch the show. A chick was stuck at a restaurant the other day and we rose up to help her with money.  Now it’s my turn.It’s that simple.

So now, I wait to see if my 2018 will have a ring, generator, happiness and instagram posts of me at Wizkid’s concert.

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