dealing with low self-esteem? see 5 tips to help you overcome it

Self esteem is a feeling of being happy with your own character and abilities, it is a feeling of happiness that comes from within you. People with low self-esteem who feel poorly about themselves and judge themselves to be inferior to others are at risk of not fulfilling their true potential in life. They may not take the initiative to set and pursue personal goals; they may not put any effort into their education or careers. Low self-esteem is more than an unpleasant feeling. It takes a toll on our lives.

See five things to remember when you are dealing with low self esteem;

Think and talk positively about yourself. As a man think in his heart so he is, great words that can change your thoughts to positive. never condemn yourself even if your plans have failed don’t allow negative thoughts cloud your mind always think and talk positive, build your confidence, keep challenging you thinking and life will become happier.

Stop any comparison with others. everybody was born unique, you have different abilities and no one is like you, stop comparing your performance or what you have with others.

Human is to error, Mistakes are great teachers, they are feedback telling us to adjust whatever we were doing but not about how stupid we are never think that making a mistake is a fault even the great people make a lot of mistakes and you are not an exception.

Surround your self with positive and supportive people, show me your friends and i will tell you who you  are. replace people who bring you down who complain about this life and surround yourself with positive people who looks life optimistically.

Always celebrate small winnings, don’t try to be perfect with anything that you do but follow your plans, stick to it and your journey towards achieving them becomes easier, celebrate every small winnings that you have achieved.

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