Cute picture of New Zealand Speaker cradling a member’s baby

A picture of New Zealand Speaker, Trevor Mallard, cradling a lawmaker’s baby while he presided over a debate in the House of Representatives on Wednesday has been trending on social media.
Mallard took to Twitter on Wednesday to share a picture of himself feeding MP Tamati Coffey’s baby boy in the Speaker’s seat.
“Normally the Speaker’s chair is only used by Presiding Officers but today a VIP took the chair with me. Congratulations @tamaticoffey and Tim on the newest member of your family,” he wrote.
In a tweet about the baby’s birth, Coffey said him and his partner were “overwhelmed at the miracle of life”.
Normally the Speaker’s chair is only used by Presiding Officers but today a VIP took the chair with me. Congratulations @tamaticoffey and Tim on the newest member of your family. pic.twitter.com/47ViKHsKkA
— Trevor Mallard (@SpeakerTrevor) August 21, 2019