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Cristiano Ronaldo on what the ‘Siiuuu’ symbolizes



Cristiano Ronaldo on what the 'Siiuuu' symbolizes

In a recent interview with YouTube channel SOCCER.COM, Cristiano Ronaldo, the renowned Portuguese footballer, shed light on the origins of his iconic ‘Siiuuu’ celebration that has become synonymous with his success on the field.

The celebration, characterized by an exuberant scream accompanied by a distinctive hand gesture, has captivated fans worldwide and has been an integral part of Ronaldo’s goal-scoring routine throughout the latter half of his career.

According to Ronaldo, the birth of the ‘Siiuuu’ celebration can be traced back to a match against Chelsea while he was playing for Real Madrid during a tour in the United States.

Reflecting on the moment, Ronaldo admitted that he was unsure where the inspiration for the celebration came from, but it felt completely natural to him.

After scoring a goal during the match, he instinctively raised both arms, clenched his fists, and exclaimed ‘Siiuuu’ in jubilation.

Following that spontaneous display of exultation, Ronaldo noticed the immediate connection it created between himself and the supporters. The fans began associating the ‘Siiuuu’ with Ronaldo’s remarkable performances, echoing his celebration whenever he found the back of the net.

This heartwarming response from the crowd resonated deeply with Ronaldo, reinforcing his decision to continue using the celebration as a way to connect with his adoring fans.

Since its inception, the ‘Siiuuu’ celebration has transcended club boundaries and has accompanied Ronaldo on his footballing journey. From his successful tenure at Real Madrid to his stints at Juventus, Manchester United, and his current club Al Nassr, Ronaldo has carried the celebration with him, making it a consistent part of his post-goalscoring routine.

The popularity of the ‘Siiuuu’ celebration has also extended beyond Ronaldo himself, with other players emulating it on various occasions. Notably, Real Madrid star Rodrygo paid homage to the Portuguese icon by replicating the celebration after scoring a crucial goal against Chelsea in a Champions League quarter-final match.

While the ‘Siiuuu’ celebration has become synonymous with Ronaldo’s on-field exploits, the 38-year-old forward introduced a new celebration last year known as the ‘nap.’ Symbolizing Ronaldo’s playful nod to his occasional napping habit, the celebration entails him standing upright, crossing both hands over his chest, and closing his eyes.

Manchester United’s official website humorously described the ‘nap’ celebration as an inside joke surrounding Ronaldo’s well-known fondness for napping.

Cristiano Ronaldo on what the 'Siiuuu' symbolizes

“I was in the USA and we played against Chelsea. I don’t know where this came from, the celebration.

“I just scored a goal and I did this, and I did ‘yes’, ‘Siiuuu’!

“But it was natural, to be honest, it was natural. And since that, I start to do it and I feel the supporters and the fans, when they see me, they’re like, ‘Cristiano, Siiuuu!’

“I say, ‘Wow, people are reminded of Cristiano because of the Siiuuu!’ So it’s good, I continue like that.”

In recent times, Ronaldo has combined elements of both the ‘Siiuuu’ and the ‘nap’ celebrations, creating a variant that showcases his unique personality and rapport with the fans.

This amalgamation of celebrations further demonstrates Ronaldo’s ability to engage and entertain his supporters beyond his remarkable achievements on the pitch.

As Ronaldo’s career continues to unfold, fans around the world eagerly anticipate witnessing the ‘Siiuuu’ celebration following each of his goals.

With its humble origins in an unassuming match against Chelsea, the celebration has become an enduring symbol of Ronaldo’s success and a testament to his bond with his devoted fanbase.
