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Crew member gives real details of how video vixen, Kodak died [PHOTOS]



Crew member gives real details of how video vixen, Kodak died

News of video vixen, Kodak’s death has generated various reactions including various accounts of the events leading to her death. A crew member identifies as Melvn has narrated how she died while insisting Clarence Peters was not at the scene.


The crew member gave his narration of the event after Clarence Peters was called in for questioning over Kodak’s death at his house.


Melvn said music director, Clarence Peters was not present when Kodak died, a claim Clarence’s girlfriend of 14 years also made. He also claimed that the incident happened in a studio, and not in Clarence’s house.


Recounting the events that led to her death, Melvn began his narration by warning against the use of phones with a metal body.


Melvn said Kodak was charging her phone which has a metal cover and she was also trying to use a metal socket while her body was sweaty with no shoes. He added that, suddenly, they heard a bang which got them curious.


“We looked back to see what happened and saw a spark on LD’s phone lying on her chest, we rushed to her to see that she had been electrocuted,” the Melvin said.


“We carried her somewhere safer, tried to revive her, she was responding with gasps, her colleague was calling her name, I went out to call for help, then Clearance was notified. After first aid, we carried her in a car and went to hospital in the estate, they wouldn’t even open gate. We moved to another hospital, finally, doctor came and checked her and said she was dead….”


Read the rest of his narration in the screenshots below.

I love to read, write and TRAVEL!!! The media space is my canvas to paint the truths of our brands and the stories of our Nigerian culture. I love a good book any day because with them I can travel to spaces that are perfect in their frame.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Precious Dunamis

    May 5, 2020 at 6:00 pm

    It is nice he’s detained, but Nigerians should wait before throwing stones. This is likely a mistake not having his hands deliberately on it. Let’s not throw this stones wrongly bikonu. Be strong my man…this too shall pass for you, This is called predicament ,that is where men are made

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