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Construction of Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano gas pipeline to commence soon



Construction of Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano gas pipeline

The construction of the Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano (AAK) gas pipeline will commence soon according to the Federal government.

President Buhari said this in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea while addressing the 5th Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) Summit on Friday.

He said Nigeria has led the way in the construction of the West Africa Gas Pipeline which runs through four West African countries.

The 600-kilometer AAK gas pipeline which forms phase one of the Trans-Nigeria Gas Pipeline (TNGP) project, is designed to enable gas connectivity between the east, west, and north.

Buhari said the viability of extending the gas pipeline system across the Sahara to Algeria in North Africa is still under consideration.

“We are mindful of the energy deficit in the developing world especially, here in Africa where we have nearly 600 million people without access to modern energy. As responsible leaders, it is our duty to preserve the environment not only for the present but for future generations,” he said.

“We can achieve this balance between our energy deficit and environmental preservation needs by developing and deploying new technologies. Although classified as fossil fuel, natural gas is a viable solution to both our energy and environmental challenges.

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