Confusion as decomposing body of Woman found in Abia Office

Saturday, brought about some confusion as the decomposing body of a woman was found in an office in Aba, Abia State.
The office is said to belong to a man, and is situated at No. 10 Factory Road, along the busy Bata Area of the city.
The residents of the area prior to the discovery, revealed they had perceived offensive odor that came from within the premises, which begged them to call on the caretaker of the building.
It was reported that upon the caretaker’s arrival the following morning which was the Saturday, alongside the tenants, discovered that one flat whose occupant was identified as Innocent Ukaumunna was locked.
The occupant’s phone lines were dialed with it all of them not going through as they tried to reach him.
One of the doors to the apartment was eventually forced open, with the residents around the premises discovering Ukaumunna with the unidentified woman’s decomposing body in the room.
An eye witness to the scene revealed that the deceased had alleged arrived at the office with Ukaummunna earlier in the week and must have died of an unknown ailment.
The Aba North Police Division, has stepped up investigations to unravel the cause of the deceased death.
The body was removed and had to be relocated to a hospital mortuary to be deposited with Ukaumunna taken into custody, as police investigations flare up.