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In deep thoughts of the events that occur in this era of youths called future parents, I am moved  to pen this down-

While morality keeps talking against the worm called “fornication”, we have taken it a step further “Cohabitation.”
Cohabitation- a word I know had to do with how living things live and interact in the ecosystem while in secondary school.Getting to the tertiary institution, I got to know and see a more advanced definition of it – an emotional and physical intimacy that involves two opposite sex living together without a legal or religious sanction ( also known as the couples life, trial marriage,domestic partnership)-this life so common among the youths ranges from its part time perpetrators to the full time adherents. Maybe its the new definition of love, a multiplier effect of the word called civilization, or both?
Guess it all starts with the supposed ” overwhelming feeling of love,”, feeling so perfect together, always together, the daily long hour visits starts,late night visits, phone calls, chats, sexting -then the daddy and mummy life begins. Some don’t even do it for the supposed love, but for benefits.
Some friends,in a bid to defend this act say it makes them know their partners deeper to know if they are compatible, have the characters they want, and so on……the most terrifying part is that a large percentage of this acts do not lead into marraige.
I wonder how our parents did it in the past, to have near solid marriages without cohabiting.
This worm of immorality has crept into our daily lives, it appears so normal that those that don’t subscribe to it, avoid talking against it in gatherings,a bid not to be tagged “being too spiritual “.
Personally, I believe ladies need a lot of counseling on this, cause they are more at the receiving end of it.Demeaning yourself all in a bid to win or stay relevant in the life of a man,which makes you totally irrelevant at the end. Performing wifely roles for just any man, washing, cooking, cleaning, not to talk of the gymnastics on the bed.

It may have worked for some-Yes!, but the next person might not be you. You loose value in the guy’s heart and limit your chance of being with the man made for you.

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