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“Chelsea will provide a huge test for us” — Odegaard



"Chelsea will provide a huge test for us" -- Odegaard

As Arsenal gears up to face Chelsea at the Emirates Stadium, team captain Martin Odegaard has outlined the team’s determination to build on their recent performance and elevate their position in the Premier League standings.

In his pre-match notes published in the programme ahead of the clash, Odegaard reflected on the significance of Arsenal’s victory against Wolves in their previous fixture.

“The result at Wolves on Saturday was massive for us – we had to respond after the previous two matches. It was really tough for us after the Aston Villa and Bayern games. The defeat in the league, then going to Germany and going out of the Champions League was tough.”

He emphasized the team’s resilience in bouncing back from setbacks, notably the defeats against Aston Villa and Bayern Munich in both the league and Champions League respectively.

“We were all down after returning from Germany, but we knew that going into the Wolves game on Sunday we would go back on top with a win, so that was a massive motivation for us.

“We wanted to strike back, to make a statement that we are still here – that drove us on. We did brilliantly to do that because Wolves is a difficult place to get a result. “

Acknowledging the criticism and negativity surrounding the team’s recent performances, Odegaard emphasized the importance of using such challenges as motivation. He highlighted Arsenal’s unity and determination to silence doubters, noting the team’s pride in reclaiming the top spot in the league table following the win against Wolves.

Looking ahead to the encounter with Chelsea, Odegaard recognized the formidable challenge posed by the opposition, who are on a lengthy unbeaten run in the league. He praised Chelsea’s quality and depth, emphasizing the need for Arsenal to be vigilant and perform at their best.

“Chelsea will provide a huge test for us. They are on a long unbeaten run in the league, and to be honest I don’t think their league position tells you much when you see how much quality they have in their squad.

“We saw again at the weekend against Manchester City in the FA Cup that they can create chances in any game. They gave them a proper fight because they have individual quality all over the pitch.

“They have a lot of players who are good on transitions, and players in good goalscoring form, so we have to be aware of that. 

Despite the tough opposition, Odegaard stressed the team’s unwavering mindset and commitment to giving their all on the pitch, underscoring the significance of each game as the season progresses.
