BUSTED!! Netizens dig out old interview of Sammie Okposo pledging to be faithful to his wife

Trending for the wrong reason, Gospel singer, Sammie Okposo has been called out after Netizens dug up old interview speaking against infidelity.

Admitting an accusation of impregnating one American lady identified as African Doll, TopNaija recalls that Sammie penned down his apology as he regrets his actions.
Read here.
Following the Buhaha, netizens can’t let go as they have dug out an old interview, where Sammie Okposo stood against cheating on his wife.
Read the interview below:
‘‘I am happily married. I am happy I did not get married before I married my wife. I married my best friend. She is a good woman, she is a supporter. She loves Sammie Okposo and not the superstar. We were friends for three and half years before we got married.’’
Speaking further about their not having a child yet, he said, “I am not bothered. Why should I be bothered? Am I God?
Anything that has to do with life is not in my control. God is the person with the final say when it comes to childbirth. It is going to happen, because delay is not denial. However, it is not affecting the happiness in my home.
I am not waiting for my wife to give me a child to bring extra happiness. It has not even formed a discussion in our home. God is the owner of babies; he is the one that gives.
“I thank God because he did not give me some things when I wanted them. In the meantime, I am grooving, rocking and graciously enjoying my wife because there is no distraction and responsibility of raising a child yet
When God feels we have enjoyed ourselves enough, he will give us double for our trouble. The way we are now, if I’m on tour in America and I miss her, she could join me if she’s free but when babies are involved, you can’t just leave home like that.”
The gospel singer who had a well-documented dalliance with Kate Henshaw in the past and has a reputation for women, said all his attention is now on Jesus and his wife. “It is a time to focus, I looked at myself in the mirror and spoke to myself.
As far as Sammie Okposo is concerned, no more side chick for me. It is not even a topic of discussion,”