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“Things that determine the journey to a successful life” Bovi Ugboma at the #SSA17



Bovi Ugboma is undoubtedly one of Nigeria’s finest comedian. Actually, I think he’s the funniest guy in the country (I have data coman argue with me).

However, at the just concluded Success Stories Africa 2017, powered by, I got to see a different side to the comedian.

Let me bring those of you who have been sleeping up to speed. Bovi was one of the guest speakers at the Success Stories Africa 2017. He came a bit late; understandably refused to take questions; wore a blue…okay, that information isn’t necessary.

Anyway, I am used to the comedian entertaining me with hilarious stories and his comical facial expression. What I did not expect was the level of insight and wisdom he exhibited at the event.

“Success is not a fluke,”

These were the first words out of Bovi’s mouth that caught my attention.

He followed it up with another salient sentence that made me take a seat and reach for my writing pad. He said that Success wasn’t a destination but an endless journey.

I was conflicted because right from birth, it would seem we’ve all been racing towards a destination which I had hitherto thought was Success.

Bovi spoke on a few things that determine the journey to a successful life.

The first thing he touched on is a maxim associated with the Delphi Oracle, ‘Man Know Thyself’. He stated that the laid down pattern established by family and society are the reasons many of us don’t breakthrough when we ought to breakthrough.

But if you know who you are, especially the things that make you happy, you will have a fulfilled life.

Plus there’s the added advantage that you won’t fall victim to peer pressure.

Bovi mentioned that part of the reasons why he has succeeded in his career is because he knew quite early on in life what he wanted to do with his life – which is entertainment. And in spite of pressures from his parents to change his course of study from theatre arts, he stuck to his gun and refused to be swayed. According to him, fulfillment comes from doing the things you are passionate about.

The second thing he spoke about was boldness. Drawing wisdom from the saying, ‘Ignorance on fire is better than knowledge on Ice,’ he went on to stress the need for us to be bold.

“Fear in the mind of the participant is evidence of failure in the eyes of the onlooker”

write that down somewhere.

“The only way to be bold, is by JUST DOING IT! Everything you desire is on the other side of fear.”

Write that down too.

As a follow up to being bold, Bovi admonished the audience to read.

And as much as it’s popular knowledge that Millenials have an entitlement mentality, Bovi (and a number of the other speakers) emphatically asked everyone present to do away with that mentality.

“Nobody owes you,” he declared.

The next step in this success journey, according to Bovi is to put in the work. He cited examples from the story of another speaker, Dayo Adeneye who worked for seven years straight.

Bovi also advised us to avoid validation and embrace criticism. He touched on validation and how social media has brought out the narcissist in every one of us.

I totally agree, but go on Instagram and like my new post. Thank you!

Bovi rounded off his session by urging the audience to give, in any way they can- be it time, money or prayers.

“Life is not about what you get; life is about what you give. That’s where your joy and fulfilment lies.” He said in conclusion.

P.S: Bovi also gave Toyin Abraham a new nick, Toyin A.








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